Category: bp-exclusive

50 Times People Absolutely Won The Food Lottery (New Pics)

Nature, Lady Luck, and Karma have a way of rewarding us with fun surprises when we least expect them. We believe that looking at photos of food is a great way to pass the time, especially as an appetizer before your next hearty meal. That’s why our gastronomic geniuses here at Bored Panda have cooked up this fun list of people winning the food lottery.

From gigantic lettuces the size of a teen and massive lemons bigger than cans of soft drinks to packs containing two ice-cream cones instead of one, we’ve got the luckiest winners who played the Food Wheel of Fortune without even realizing it. Remember to upvote your fave photos as you continue scrolling.

What’s your biggest food lottery win, dear Pandas? Let us know in the comments. Hungry for more food surprises? Be sure to check out Bored Panda’s earlier two articles about them right here and here.

We can’t expect to constantly win the food lottery or any lottery in life for that matter. British environmental psychologist and well-being consultant Lee Chambers walked Bored Panda through various strategies on how to deal with uncertainty in life, talked about why it’s problematic to believe we always have good or bad luck, and gave some spot-on advice about why we should opt for a healthier diet and try to avoid fast food. You’ll find our full in-depth interview with him below, Pandas.

#1 This Big Lettuce

Image credits: mtlgrems

Psychologist Lee noted that we have to learn to embrace the fact that uncertainty is a part of life. There’s no running away from it. Compassion, acceptance, mindfulness, reflection, and healthy routines help us deal with uncertainty better. “When we are looking to become more tolerant of uncertainty in life, the first step we need to take is to accept that uncertainty is part of human life. As a species, we love control and predictable patterns, and have a strong response to uncertainty as a potential threat, as this is what has kept us alive as we’ve evolved,” he told Bored Panda in an interview via email.

“When it comes to becoming more cultured in dealing with uncertainty, there are a number of things we can practice. The first one is to become compassionate with yourself and express your emotions healthily. Whether we write them down, speak about them or soothe ourselves, expressing our feelings and being kind to ourselves helps to dampen the impact of uncertainty, while suppressing our emotions and feelings, or fighting against them, can make uncertainty feel more intense,” Lee explained that we have to learn to be compassionate to ourselves and to express what we feel in a healthy, mature way.

#2 A Miracle Has Occurred

Image credits: TheGhostOfSamT

#3 Found A Perfect Salt Crystal In My Sea Salt Packet

Image credits: c3r3n1ty

“We can practice acceptance that there are things we can’t control while looking to take ownership of the things we can. This makes us feel more empowered, and not waste energy trying to control things that are outside of our ability to do so, and also helps us to stop ruminating on past challenges and future worries. We can also practice being mindful in the moment, as we can always control more variables right now.”

Reflecting on past experiences can also help us learn what our triggers are. It can also help us understand how we handle uncertainty and what personal strengths and skills we used to get through it. As Lee put it, we’re far tougher than we believe. “We are often more resilient than we think we are, and we can learn a lot from how we navigated difficult times and situations when we look back with a desire to learn and grow,” he said.

Meanwhile, healthy habits also provide us with a solid foundation to tackle the uncertainty that life will throw at us. “We should also look to our routines, things that relax us and things we enjoy. We should make an effort to eat well, sleep optimally, and move our bodies, as they all help us with our emotional balance, optimism, and cognitive ability to navigate uncertainty, giving us the clarity, elevated mood, and energy to get through and be less affected,” the psychologist told Bored Panda.

#4 Giant Lemon Off Our Tree

Image credits: ocscottie

#5 This Butternut Squash Was Almost All Squash

Image credits: elophine

#6 This Banana Is The Size Of My Entire Forearm

Image credits:

“One other thing to consider is planning for a dynamic world that is ever-changing. You can create your own method for handling uncertain situations by using many of the skills above, understanding the habits and routines that keep you grounded, and knowing who can support you if you are struggling. By finding strategies that work for you and practicing acceptance and mindfulness, we can start building our toolkit for when the going gets tough and you are unsure what’s coming next.”

Bored Panda was interested to learn whether it’s problematic for someone to have a mindset that they ‘always’ have good or bad luck in their lives. According to psychologist Lee, having a fixed mindset like that can present a whole range of challenges. “

“As human beings, we have an evolved ability to focus on decisions we have made, including those about ourselves. If we believe we always have good luck, we can start to only focus on the times when things go our way. This can cause us to take unnecessary risks and make poor decisions because we feel we will be lucky while ignoring our mistakes and not being able to learn from them.”

#7 My 5-Year-Old Found A Pack Of Fruit Roll-Ups With 2 Rolls In 1 Wrapper

Image credits: Mitch_CoNNar

#8 My Friend’s Chicken Laid A Huge Egg With A Regular Size Egg Inside It

Image credits: Mazzack

#9 I Got A Bonus Roll

Image credits: PM-ME-YOUR-TECH-TIPS

However, believing that bad luck keeps following us around is also problematic and limiting. “On the other side, if we believe we always have bad luck, we can miss all the great things that are happening, worry about the future, and miss opportunities to grow and develop. We will also likely be cynical and negative about ourselves and feel hopeless because luck isn’t on our side.” What we need to do is embrace a balanced, growth mindset.

“Embracing a growth mindset around luck is great because we start to look at optimism as a skill we can build, we find a balance between when to take risks and when to be more conservative, and we get the benefits of learning from the past, being realistic about the future and taking ownership of the present.”

#10 This Kinder Egg Has Two Layers

Image credits: luxurypking

#11 Was Portioning Out Some Sour Patches When The Ultimate Sour Patch Boss Fell Out

Image credits: camo6

#12 Grapes My Dad Grows That Look Like Plums

Image credits: azapater

Lee revealed that food and our moods are far more closely linked than many of us realize. “Almost 90% of our serotonin, the feel-good hormone, is produced in our gut, and our gut feeling isn’t just a saying; it has a whole nervous system down there! A healthy diet gives us the energy and cognitive clarity to go out there and do our best, free from blood sugar spikes, bloating and the lethargy that comes from eating poorly. We also find it easier to move and sleep, which both have a significant impact on how we are feeling. Our food is fuel, and our brains use more of that energy than any other part of our body, so what we eat impacts how we feeling on a variety of levels,” he explained to Bored Panda.

#13 I Cracked An Egg Today And There Were Three Yolks Inside

Image credits: rebusaurus

#14 Got The Rare Dark Chocolate With Granola Bar Flavor

Image credits: FromTheNetherlents

#15 Full Meal Kiwi

Image credits: somewhatbold

The psychologist put it bluntly that we generally should avoid it. However, not all junk food is created equally. Some products are far worse than others. “I wouldn’t permit a safe level of junk food, but what I would say is that having it occasionally is not a bad thing. While I don’t think seeing it as a treat is positive, as using junk food in a rewarding way can be dangerous, finding a junk food type that we enjoy but don’t feel awful after eating is a good way to approach it,” psychologist Lee said. “With myself and my clients, I suggest that using an 80/20 healthy/favorites rule works really well as a balanced diet, and that finding the healthy food that energizes you can be an enjoyable game to undertake!”

#16 My Wife Hit The Animal Cracker Jackpot

Image credits: dullawolf

#17 My Ice Cream Was Completely Overfilled

Image credits: JazzHandsFan

#18 This Mushroom I Found 5 Years Ago

Image credits: BlekIgel

Meanwhile, my talented colleague Liucija previously spoke with the CEO and founder of Ugly Produce is Beautiful, Sarah Philips. They talked about the ugly produce movement and how it helps minimize food waste.

“Every year, some 2.9 trillion pounds of food never gets consumed and it’s enough to feed nearly 800 million people worldwide,” Sarah told Bored Panda.

#19 This Pizza With Way More Toppings Than Shown On The Box

Image credits: darkpollopesca

#20 This Baby Tangerine Was Hiding In A Bigger Tangerine

Image credits: joshsamfrank

#21 Found A Giant Blueberry In My Parfait

Image credits: xMaimeeOx

Sarah from the Ugly Produce is Beautiful project suggested that we ask our local grocers to “bring in uglier produce to sell at a discount and support local farmers.” She noted that farmers don’t waste food and use as much of it as they possibly can.

“Farmers by nature aren’t wasters and they feed ugly produce to livestock, cook with it, and give it away, or sell it at farmers’ markets.”

#22 A Twin Banana

Image credits: woodslice

#23 Found This Bunch Of Bananas In My Box Of Runts

Image credits: AmyKeepsBees

#24 My Corn Sprouted A Baby Corn Inside The Husk

Image credits: josephrehall

Luck is a very peculiar thing. Some folks seem to have it all, finding (literal or metaphorical) four-leaf clovers around every corner. Meanwhile, others seem to be bad luck ‘magnets.’ The odds of getting struck by lightning each year are roughly 1 in 1,222,000. However, these odds rise to 1 in 15,300 if you take into account the possibility of being struck over your entire life. 

#25 Jackpot

Image credits: BootyFista

#26 I Just Found A Super Long Mini Marshmallow

Image credits: Michellehas2ls

#27 Weirdest Blackberry I’ve Ever Seen. Crested Black Satin Thornless Blackberry

Image credits: hammythesnail

Plane crashes are, of course, horrific accidents. However, someone who has a fear of flying might feel just a tad easier knowing that your odds of dying in such a crash are only 1 in 11 million. That’s roughly the chance of dying in a tornado, the odds of which stand at roughly 1 in 13 million. (Though the odds of the latter happening increase if you take risks near tornadoes, live close to the paths tornadoes tend to take, or if you live in a mobile home.)

#28 Behold, The King Of Cereal Flakes

Image credits: CrappyWaffleGun

#29 I Found The Legendary Garlic Bulb

Image credits: Creivoose

#30 Giant Puffball Mushroom My Sister Found In The Woods

Image credits: kfranky

Meanwhile, the odds of winning a (regular, non-food) lottery depend on which one you’re playing. For instance, winning a prize, any prize in the Powerball are 1 in 24.9. However, if you’re aiming specifically for the jackpot, the odds then become 1 in 292.2 million. These odds become even slimmer, 1 in 302.6 million, if your goal is to win the Mega Millions jackpot.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, the chances of you finding a four-leaf clover are actually pretty good: 1 in 10k. Pity they’re not an extra ice-cream cone, right? Though we’d probably suggest going for a healthier option!

#31 I Found A Whole Oreo On The Surface Of My Ice Cream

Image credits: jmathews777

#32 A Big Cheese Stick

Image credits: BoredPersononReddit

#33 Garlic-Ception

Image credits: Affectionate_Leek871

#34 A Whole Potato In Curly Fry Form

Image credits: AshGettum

#35 The Flesh To Rind Ratio Of This Watermelon

Image credits: Akerail

#36 I Got 14 In My Box Of A Dozen Doughnuts

Image credits: megalodonkatsu

#37 This Is The Smallest Pit I’ve Ever Seen In An Avocado

Image credits: Zaemz

#38 This Comically Huge Strawberry That I Purchased From The Grocery Store Today

Image credits: MarcDeMaco420

#39 This Massive Fry

Image credits: ttaM9395

#40 We Ordered A Pound Of Carrots. We Got A Pound Of Carrot

Image credits: circusboy

#41 Got This Abnormally Thick Dorito In An Otherwise Normal Packet

Image credits: weallalright

#42 I Found An Orange Without Pith In The Middle

Image credits: Astrochamp1

#43 I’ve Grown Onions, 600 Grams Each

Image credits: apolinarnia

#44 This Obnoxiously Large Watermelon From My Grandpa’s Garden

Image credits: A7xWicked

#45 My Fiancé Found A Massive Ball Of Doritos Seasoning In Her Chip Bag. Chip For Reference

Image credits: nollsgame80

#46 I Hit The Jackpot Of Pringle Flavoring. The Whole Can Is Like This

Image credits: The_OG_Catloaf

#47 My Giant Mini Penne

Image credits: NattyK

#48 This Papaya That Ended Up Having One Seed Inside

Image credits: Jacket_89

#49 Got An Extra Wiener In My Package

Image credits: lesszachmoore

#50 Breakfast Jackpot

Image credits: Countess_of_Penrose

50 Of The Worst Fashion Fails (New Pics)

Ah, fashion! It’s that wonderful thing that we used to care a lot about before the pandemic. Now that mass vaccination programs are continuing with great success in some countries, we can once again open up our wardrobes and take a peek at what we could potentially replace our overused sweatpants with. We’re going to have some people to impress pretty soon as lockdown regulations keep getting relaxed and summer is starting to hit its stride.

However, even if you feel lost in the stylish world of clothing and don’t know the difference between ‘Armani’ and ‘armadillo,’ you really shouldn’t worry all that much. Whatever you dress like, it really can’t be as bad as the photos of horrendously designed clothes that our dandy Bored Panda team collected to serve as a warning for everyone everywhere at all times. Socks with sandals? You wish things were that simple.

As you’re scrolling into this fashion disaster minefield, let your inner critic loose: let us know which items you think should go the way of the dodo, upvote the pics that you think are the worst of the worst, and share your personal tips for dressing well this summer in the comments. (PS—you’ll find more epic clothing disasters right here, here, and here.)

We got in touch with a fashion designer to tell us all about how to avoid making style mistakes (from over-accessorizing to wearing the wrong shoes), what colors are ‘in’ this summer, and why designing clothes is far harder than it might seem from the outside. You’ll find our full interview with her below.

#1 Where Is Uranus? My 9-Month-Old’s PJs Leave No Doubt

Image credits: DasFinkin

#2 Balenciaga’s $2,145 Bag That Looks Exactly Like IKEA’s 99-Cent Tote Bag

Image credits:

#3 The Pockets On Women’s Trousers

Image credits: Iwantmyteslanow

Bored Panda reached out to Nigerian fashion designer Oyinda Akinfenwa, who’s got her hand on the pulse of the fashion industry, to hear about some style dos and don’ts. Oyinda runs her own brand called Janore that specializes in multifunctional dresses and is always very stylish. So she knows what works and what’s a fashion disaster.

According to Oyinda, fashion designers have it tough. Creative blocks and a lack of good materials can take a toll on the final quality of the product. What’s more, she revealed that if all the nuances of production—from the way your clothes are made and how long it takes to who is making them—aren’t taken into account, the end result suffers, too.

“It’s hard to notice your own mistakes on your outfits until someone points them out because to you, it seems amazing because it is your work and you want to be proud of it, without realizing it may not be exactly as good as you think,” the Nigerian designer explained to Bored Panda why professionals can have a blindspot to some mistakes that seem obvious to someone else. “It’s really hard for creatives to give themselves criticism most times because of how hard we work to create the pieces we have, so most times we tend to not try to over-analyze the result.”

#4 Red Nail Stockings

Image credits: pkkballer22

#5 How Many Ways Can You Read It In?

Image credits: KoheFish

#6 The Color And Positioning Of The Lace Used On These Women’s Underpants

Image credits: lessons_learnt

Oyinda believes that one of the biggest fashion mistakes that people tend to make most often is over-accessorizing. “People tend to add too much on when the outfit they’re wearing already has a lot going on which makes it seem tacky. Also, it takes away from the outfit because no one will be looking at the outfit, just be confused about what is going on with the entire dressing,” she said that less is more and that we should stay clear of looking like a chaotic jumble when we want to impress others.

Another major mistake is wearing the wrong shoes. Oyinda noted that a pair of shoes can make or break the entire outfit. “This is very common as people tend to wear the wrong shoes for certain outfits which really brings down the whole look, by the time you start admiring them and get to their feet and you’re disappointed by their shoes.”

A quick way to up your fashion game is getting your nails done. Also, Oyinda said that wearing knuckle rings can make you look stylish because they “elevate your look no matter what you’re wearing.” As for this summer, the Nigerian fashion designer suggested that we fully embrace all shares of green and also go for clothes in yellow, orange, and black! 

#7 Why Those Pants Look Like That One Soccer Ball Everyone Has But Doesn’t Know Where It’s From

Image credits: dionnebytdionne

#8 $490 To Look Like You Don’t Know How To Wear Glasses

Image credits:

#9 Lock Up Your Daughters vs. Does My Butt Looks Fat In This Diaper?

Image credits: dreamer-imfinite

At its core, looking good—no matter what you wear—is all about confidence. If you think you’re the bomb, the very best, the most fashionable person in the room, then all eyes are going to be on you as you’re pulling it off and embracing the spotlight.

There is a ‘however’ coming, though. No matter how confident you might be, there are some clothing items that objectively look bad. Beauty might be in the eye of the beholder, but the Council of Style got together and agreed that there are some things that you just don’t do when designing clothes. And many of these mistakes you’ll find in this list.

#10 So My Sister Had A Clemson Mask Made For Her

Image credits: TBoneTheOriginal

#11 Maison Margiela Pre-Destroyed Sneakers For $1425

Image credits:

#12 This Clothing Brand For Kids

Image credits: dylho

According to ‘MasterClass,’ avoiding fashion faux pas is possible with a bit of friendly advice. The first thing that they recommend is having fun and experimenting with various clothes, colors, cuts, and fabrics!

Play around a bit with different combinations and find out what works for you. You might be surprised to discover something new about your tastes and what looks good on you. (And don’t forget, having a friend over to give you an honest opinion never hurts!)

#13 Girls Is Can What?

Image credits: GayStorkLord

#14 My GF Got This Jacket Because It Has Pockets

Image credits: PhilosopherStriking1

#15 Giving Up Is Simply An Option

Image credits: DiscordAddict_

Another piece of advice that you should keep in mind at all times concerns clothing size. Always, always, always find the right fit. Tailored clothes look incredible on you, no matter your body size. It doesn’t matter if you’re at the peak of your athleticism or if you’re plus-sized: when the clothes you wear fit your current body size, shape, and form, they become that much more stylish. And that helps boost your confidence, too.

#16 Nordstrom Sells Jeans With Fake Mud On Them For $425

Image credits:

#17 There Are Holes In The Bottom Of This Shoe The Perfect Size For Some Pebbles

Image credits: maowang99

#18 I Just Realized That My “Los Angeles” T-Shirt Has New York Skyline In The Back

Image credits: gvinpi

What’s more, even as you’re experimenting with new pieces, you should have some timeless clothing items in your wardrobe that go with anything. For instance, I have a couple of trench coats that look fabulous with everything that I wear and I love them to bits.

Though, keep in mind that not every outfit will fit every occasion, no matter how confident and trendy you might look. Read the room, dress for the occasion, and find unique ways to bring a bit of personal flair to your outfit no matter the event.

#19 Plant Dyed Underwear On Etsy

Image credits: Glycine_max

#20 My Wife Has Had This Sweater For Over A Decade And She Still Questions Why They Didn’t Use The Eagle As The V

Image credits: Little-Coin

#21 Oh Great, A Shirt That Makes It Look Like You Got In A Fight With A Bottle Of Mustard And Lost

Image credits: hanzhog

Even if you have to wear a uniform to work or you’re going to a black-tie gala, there are ways to make you stand out and make others say, “Wow, you’re amazing!” In my experience, something easy to try if you’re feeling a tad shy would be going for colorful and expressive socks. Just make sure that they’re not fashion disasters waiting to happen.

#22 Pants That Make You Look Really Pissed

Image credits: Lord_H1D30U5

#23 Marge Simpson Has Two Mouths On The Official Simpsons Pajamas

Image credits:

#24 These Gucci Shoes Are Intentionally Made To Look Dirty

Image credits:

#25 Just Gonna Put It Right There On The Crotch Huh?

Image credits: SpookyVoidCat

#26 So My Boss Found Out That I’m A Fan Of The House Of 1000 Corpses Movies And Bought Me A Captain Spaulding Mask. This Showed Up

Image credits: ReallyNotBobby

#27 Don’t Ask Me How I Found This

Image credits: AufWiedersehenAhole

#28 Pants That Start With A Stain

Image credits: ChefPete22

#29 Pedo Power??

Image credits: F4NZ4I

#30 Gucci Sells Jeans With Fake Grass Stains

Image credits:

#31 Socks For Squared Feet

Image credits: smodanc

#32 This Dolce Gabbana Jute Dress Costs $2118

Image credits:

#33 My Girlfriend Went Thrifting And Found This. Also The Jordans Are Fake If That Wasn’t Obvious Enough

Image credits: Andrei399

#34 English-Words-In-A-Shirt Type Hoodie. Non-Ironic Taipei, Taiwan

Image credits: umbrellapokedeye

#35 Cowboy Boots, Frozen Themed, And A Random Hole. Yup Shoes

Image credits: Zuzufatcat

#36 Where’s The Rest Of It?

Image credits: 1AbbyRoad

#37 This Elsa Backpack Has A Mask On It So You Can Wear It. But If It’s On The Backpack, Elsa Looks Dead On The Inside

Image credits: ItsDiana5454

#38 $425 Artsy Jeans Look More Like A Crime Scene

Image credits:

#39 This Message On A Child’s Sweater

“Take and go”

Image credits: IellaAntilles

#40 The Print On These Used Bikini Bottoms

Image credits: catscanary

#41 Fat Mily Weekend 2018

Image credits: Pliny_the_middle

#42 Underwear With Edward Cullen’s Face On It For The Purest Twilight Fans

Image credits: NkBasya

#43 These Shoes Let Me Take The Road With Me

Image credits: TheTwoWipeWonder

#44 This Shirt Looks Like A Used Pad

Image credits: donnapetrapan

#45 Arrived From Amazon Today, Still Trying To Work Out What The Hell They Say

Image credits: Mandala_tattoogirl

#46 Still Beats The Alternative

Image credits: Amanuet

#47 Never Up

Image credits: paca0713

#48 The American Flag On My Dad’s New Hoodie

Image credits: Benohnomark

#49 Tybalt’s Clothes From One Of The Romeo And Juliet Movies. Who Thought This Was A Good Idea?

Image credits: ThatWolficorn

#50 A**

Image credits: bunsharu

‘That’s It, I’m Architecture Shaming’: 40 Architecture Examples That Look So Bad, People Just Had To Shame Them

Some buildings will absolutely fascinate you with their stunning designs, genius architectural decisions, and the sheer power of their aesthetics. This article isn’t about these kinds of buildings, however. Nope! Not all buildings are made equal, you see, and the ‘bad’ ones need to be shamed publicly so that others don’t copy their designs. So we’ll be focusing exclusively on just plain terrible architectural decisions.

And the worst of the worst end up on the ‘That’s It, I’m Architecture Shaming’ Facebook group where users mercilessly prod and poke bad design. It’s fun, it’s educational, it’s something cool to scroll through during your next coffee break. 

Remember to upvote your fave photos that you love to hate and be sure to follow the architecture-shaming Facebook group if you like their stuff. They’re a growing community with awesome content.

Bored Panda spoke about what separates good and bad design, the need to democratize the access to quirky private property designs, as well as about the roles that architecture plays with an expert in the field from Sweden who has a background in urban planning. You’ll find our full interview with her below.

#1 I Dunno, Slim Doesn’t Seem To Be Digging This Situation

Image credits: architectureshaming

#2 I Do Not Give A Damn How Well It’s Cantilevered Or How Strong The Struts Are. I Do Not Have The Kind Of Luck It Would Take To Set Foot In This House

Image credits: architectureshaming

#3 This Pillar Was Straight Last Week. This Is The First Floor Of A Seven-Floor Building

Image credits: architectureshaming

The Sweden-based urban planning expert explained to Bored Panda that while public spaces must meet safety and accessibility standards, aesthetic standards can be much more fluid for buildings. The expert spoke to Bored Panda on the condition that she remain anonymous. (Remember, just because you’re an expert in something and want to be helpful doesn’t mean that you always like the limelight… unlike quirky architecture which just begs you to look at it!)

“Most of the time, the elements of the built environment should be in harmony amidst each other and with the surroundings. However, sometimes, something bolder and out-of-the-box might form an engaging contrast,” she said. However, the urban planning expert shared with Bored Panda that, in her personal opinion, our built environments have to engage us, as well as stimulate our minds and senses. In fact, she believes that architecture’s ability to make us think is one of its most powerful aspects.

#4 The Cactus Is *chef’s Kiss

Image credits: architectureshaming

#5 This Is Not Photoshopped

Image credits: architectureshaming

#6 Opera And Ballet Theatre Of Cheboksary (Russia)

Top: original picture
Bottom: slightly photoshopped picture

Image credits: architectureshaming

“There are circumstances where the architecture should create a sense of calmness and safety, yet there are instances in which it is not bad if the architecture provokes us and makes us think, ‘Why don’t I like the look of this building?’”

The urban planner said that we should give people the freedom to express themselves as they wish when it comes to designing their private property. As long as they have the means, nearly everything is allowed, in her opinion.

#7 That Gives Me Anxiety

Image credits: architectureshaming

#8 I Might Like This If Those Were Slides

Image credits: architectureshaming

#9 A Friend Of Mine Cross-Posted This And It Made Me Think Of Y’all

Image credits: architectureshaming

“Quirky architecture comes from our innate desire to demonstrate our uniqueness. However, not everyone who has the means has an average taste for aesthetics. Yet, as long as it is for the people who inhabit or use their private space, I mean why not?” she told Bored Panda that as long as you’re not actively harming anyone else with how bad your designs are, you should be able to be as unique as you want. Even if it falls short of objective aesthetic standards.

#10 This Looks Like A Place A Villain Would Live

Image credits: architectureshaming

#11 Who Remembers Those Gerbil Enclosures That Look Like This?

Image credits: architectureshaming

#12 I’ll Meet Your Brutalism, And Raise You This

Image credits: architectureshaming

However, the expert acknowledged that others in the industry might not see things the way that she does. Others, she said, believe that private property must be in harmony with the surroundings.

“But, I think that we should not cross that thin line where architecture becomes reserved for only the wealthy and for those with ‘good taste’ (whoever decides that). I’m only talking about private property here, though. When it comes to public space, there should be a consensus between the public and the professional about the design,” she said that the rules for the private and public spheres are very different.

#13 Art Nouveau On Psychedelics

Image credits: architectureshaming

#14 Um… What Is This?

Image credits: architectureshaming

#15 “Sharkitecture”

Image credits: architectureshaming

The urban planning expert also had some advice when it comes to design. “Firstly, even though I often advocate for unconventionally looking buildings, I do not encourage purposefully provocative architecture. The building should be designed with the intention to accommodate and protect society. It should create a sense of safety but not be boring,” she told Bored Panda that we ought to strike a balance between uniqueness and service, expression and community.

#16 A House I Used To Drive Past In A Little Iowa Town. All I Ever Heard From Locals Was That This Place Had A Terrible Leaking Problem When It Rained

Image credits: architectureshaming

#17 Toilet-Shaped House (Named Haewoojae), Built By Sim Jae-Duck, The Chairman Of The Organizing Committee Of The Inaugural General Assembly Of The World Toilet Association

Image credits: architectureshaming

#18 I Wonder Who Thought This Would Be A Good Idea

Image credits: architectureshaming

What’s more, the expert from Sweden pointed out that accessibility, inclusiveness, and empowerment should also be key features of any architectural project. “Also, I prefer somewhat complex but systemic designs. Minimalistic and box like floor plans are good in some cases where easy access is necessary (for example, hospitals) yet they can be completely mind-numbing while more complex floor plan designs are more mind-stimulating (for example, good for schools, in my opinion).”

#19 The “Snail House” In Bulgaria Actually Does Look Like A Snail

Image credits: architectureshaming

#20 You Too Can Have Your Own White Castle

Image credits: architectureshaming

#21 I Will Haunt Your Dreams! Residential Building In Belgium

Image credits: architectureshaming

At the time of writing, the ‘That’s It, I’m Architecture Shaming’ community had 64.1k members. However, it’s growing so rapidly, that by the time you’re reading this, dear Pandas, that number could be much, much higher. Just in the last week alone, the group grew by over 7.3k members. And they’ve made upwards of a thousand posts in the last month.

#22 Interesting Concept

Image credits: architectureshaming

#23 I Think Syndrome From The Incredibles Lived Here

Image credits: architectureshaming

#24 Can We All Just Take A Moment And Acknowledge That Prince Produced Some Great Music, But He Lived In A Water Treatment Station

Image credits: architectureshaming

Because of this fast growth and the issues that came with it, the administrator of the ‘Architecture Shaming’ group, Oregon-based Matthew Brühn, addressed the community and the changes that took place in April. In short, the rules are much more structured now.

#25 Bangkok’s Elephant Building. The Tusks Are A Bowling Alley In My Imagination

Image credits: architectureshaming

#26 This Is Plane Awesome

Image credits: architectureshaming

#27 They Drew The Line At A Fountain In The Kitchen

Image credits: architectureshaming

Matthew pointed out that the admins have been getting tired of the “massive influx of negativity” that came with more and more members joining the community. While the admin expressed his admiration for how wonderful many members are, he also noted that the group will start filtering out overly-aggressive posts.

#28 Why?

Image credits: architectureshaming

#29 Saw This On A Walk Today. A Table Lamp, In A Glass Box, Hanging From The Roof Of A Carport

Image credits: architectureshaming

#30 Spotted This Gem In Tel Aviv

Image credits: architectureshaming

“Don’t take it personally; we’re just trying to create an atmosphere where we can all have fun and be kind. There’s now the equivalent of a small city of us all here now, so that will be more difficult,” Matthew pointed out. He added that mentions of politics and religion will be deleted while all potential new members have to answer some questions before they get in. Which, at the end of the day, leads to a friendlier and happier community that, we’re sure, plenty of you Pandas will want to join.

#31 Surrealist Neighborhood

Image credits: architectureshaming

#32 This Building Has My City In A Uproar

Image credits: architectureshaming

#33 Forbidden Waffle In Santiago

Image credits: architectureshaming

#34 The Glorious Flower Of Communist Brutalism That Is The Former Central Post Office In Skopje, Macedonia. Some People Want It Preserved

#35 This Place Is All Curb Appeal

Image credits: architectureshaming

#36 Please Don’t Take It Too Seriously, Just A Surprised House

Image credits: architectureshaming

#37 Kind Of Reminds Me Of A Church (Granted, A Strange One) But It’s Actually A House With A 6,000 Sq. Ft. Garage… And Its Own Car Wash

Image credits: architectureshaming

#38 I’ve Been Looking At Homes Trying To Get Ideas For When We Move In A Few Years And I Came Across A House That Was Perfect In Every Way Except One

What in the ever living fudge is this – one pass thru is ‘eh, but this one has three-at different levels plus the added detriment of the worlds worst architectural detailing around it. Please someone else tell me that you hate this as much as I do. I know it’s probably more interior design but it’s just so ugly.

Image credits: architectureshaming

#39 Just

Image credits: architectureshaming

#40 Car Dealership Trying For More Of A Classy Look!

Image credits: architectureshaming

People Share What They Found Thrown Away And The Phrase ‘One Man’s Trash Is Another Man’s Treasure’ Has Never Been So Real (35 New Pics)

Argh, me hearties, there’s treasure to be found in the unlikeliest of places and it’s not just doubloons I’m talking about. You have to keep your one good pirate eye out and, before you know it, you’ll be bringing home useful, gorgeous, and exciting things that friendly strangers left lying for you on the sidewalk.

If you’re lucky enough to live in New York City or if you’ve ever visited the Big Apple as a tourist, then you probably know all about stooping—people leaving behind things they no longer need on the sidewalk in front of their homes for others to ‘adopt’ and enjoy. It’s a proud tradition that the ‘Stooping NYC’ Instagram account documents.

“Stooping is so popular in NYC because it really is an activity that’s built into the culture of being a New Yorker. Unlike other cities, New York is transient and that means that people are always moving. No one apartment is quite like another, and so this activity of putting items that no longer fit/serve a need is something that has long existed,” the couple told Bored Panda. Be sure to read on for our interview with the couple behind the wildly popular ‘Stooping NYC’ account. They told Bored Panda all about the ever-growing account, their passion project, and their wonderful community that they’re building each day.

After you’re done scrolling through this list and upvoting your fave photos, you can enjoy our previous post about the ‘Stooping NYC’ account right over here.

#1 And We’re Equal Parts Speechless And Jealous

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#2 Oh Wow!!! 193 Moffat St. Bk.

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#3 The Plant Mother Load

Image credits: stoopingnyc

The ‘Stooping NYC’ account is changing people’s attitudes towards giving new life to discarded furniture. The couple is getting rid of the stigma one great post at a time. “We’ve tried to ‘game-ify’ the activity, making it feel like a scavenger hunt. And I think because of this, we have seen it become popular and trendy with an entirely younger audience (75% of our followers are 18-35 years old),” they shared.

The founders have to deal with such a massive number of submissions, my jaw literally dropped when they mentioned it to me. “On a typical weekday, we get hundreds if not one thousand submissions. On the weekend (especially at the end of the month), we get thousands of DM submissions,” they revealed how much awesome content their fans send them every single day.

#4 Therapy, But Make It Chic. 254 Gates Avenue

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#5 *Immediately Googles How To Decorate My House*

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#6 Check Out This Plant Angel Stooper! She Does This Every Week! 600 10th Ave In Hell’s Kitchen

Image credits: stoopingnyc

However, by now, the couple has developed an eye for the kind of stooping pictures and objects that they know their community will gush over: “Anything high value, super colorful, unique and weird. That means that we end up prioritizing everything from beautiful velvet couches, neon-colored swivel chairs, copper claw-foot tubs, beanie baby collections, a pastel pink SMEG fridge and… as of this week…a collection of ’90s erotica on VHS.”

‘Stooping NYC’ is much more than a passion project for the founders. It’s a way to let loose their creativity and even get closer as partners. “We both really love the creative outlet this gives us, as a couple we love the fact that we have this together (we end each day with a ‘stoop review’), and more than anything we love the community we have built. So we definitely feel an obligation to that community to keep up with everything coming in, knowing that we have the privilege of giving people so much joy through what we post,” they told Bored Panda.

Looking off into the future, the couple hopes to hire someone to help them deal with the vast flow of incoming submissions if they ever make any money from their mega-passion project.

#7 Guys. Good News And Bad News. Good News. This Is Amazing. Bad News. The Stoopers Told Us They Saw It Yesterday And Don’t Know If It’s Still There. Someone Has To Go Check! Jackson St. Between Cherry And Madison

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#8 What A Heavy Gem! 23rd Btwn Broadway And 6th

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#9 Your Parents Were Lying When They Said Nothing Good Happens After Dark. Stooping Success From Last Night!

Image credits: stoopingnyc

I was also curious to find out what the most interesting thing they’ve decided to ‘adopt’ was. “Early on, we found a beautiful antique typewriter on the stoop that we brought home for a friend. But aside from that, we really stick to the ‘Stoop Laws’ we have created: we never go get something before it’s been posted, we only post what’s already out on the stoop and we never hold items for specific stoopers.”

They continued: “On a daily basis though, there are items we post that we absolutely would love to be lucky enough to get (if we ever had a place large enough to fit it all).”

The couple feels “extremely lucky” and privileged to be able to reach so many people and give them the opportunity to introduce new pieces of furniture and objects into their lives. It’s a way to give folks the opportunity to build new memories around new-old items.

#10 Well Damn. Is It Weird I’m Half Expectating To Open This And Have It Be A Magical Portal? Corner Of 6th Ave And 12th St In Park Slope!

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#11 Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy. Lafayette In Between Marcus Garvey And Lewis

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#12 *Googles What Decor Items Go Best In An Oversized Bird Cage* North Henry And Richardson

Image credits: stoopingnyc

“One person’s trash is another person’s treasure!” the ‘Stooping NYC’ account declares. And however cliched it might sound, it’s really true. Somebody might not need that oversized plant taking up their entire living room, but others will go out of their way to give it a new forever home.

The same goes for vintage couches, beautiful SMEG fridges (oh how I wish I could have one of those…), and quirky furniture. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a tiny bit jealous. There are unique items getting stooped every single day that would look great in your apartment, right next to your coffee table.

Just because you’re tired of something and need to freshen up your home doesn’t mean that it won’t be welcomed by someone else. New Yorkers understand that perfectly. Hence, stooping.

#13 Long Time Stooper. First Time Success!

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#14 Jaw Drop. Classon Ave And Quincy Street

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#15 Sfarrellnyc Snagged An Absolute Beauty! Congrats On Your Stooping Success

Image credits: stoopingnyc

The way the ‘Stooping NYC’ account works is simple. Whenever somebody spots something stooped (or has something they plan on stooping), they send the couple running the account a photo and a location. People are also encouraged to brag about their jaw-dropping, envy-inducing finds under the #stoopingsuccess hashtag.

Within the last half-a-year alone, the ‘Stooping NYC’ account has grown from 80k+ followers to over 143k treasure hunters on Instagram. Half of the appeal is looking at the weird and beautiful things that others have found. Who doesn’t enjoy looking at pretty pics?

However, the other half is that ‘Stooping NYC’ an active community: you’re encouraged to participate, to go outside, hunt, photograph, smile, and share. And during the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, we all badly need something to keep us busy during our downtime.

#16 It’s Like If An Accordion Met A Keyboard

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#17 Hot Damn. Hustle!!! Meserole & Lorimer

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#18 Tell Me You’re A New Yorker, Without Telling Me You’re A New Yorker… Jcportuondo Knows How To Make The Mta Regal Af!

Image credits: stoopingnyc

“People are craving for things to do, and it’s become a social activity and community when socializing hasn’t really been a thing,” the couple, who prefer to remain anonymous, told Will Gleason from ‘Time Out.’

In a phone interview with Gleason, the couple told him that the number of submissions they’re getting has been rising as the pandemic continues. They can hardly keep up with the number of submissions they get each and every day.

#19 It Does Say Not Heavy… Armoire In Front Of 567 Bainbridge St. In Brooklyn! Cute Pup Not Included

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#20 NYC… You Never Cease To Amaze Us! 101st St Just Off Columbus

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#21 Drafting Table On Washington Ave Between Atlantic And Fulton

Image credits: stoopingnyc

One misconception that some of the community members have is that they believe there’s a vast team running the account. There isn’t. It’s just a loving couple working full-time jobs and taking care of their son. So some social media users are naturally disappointed that their stooping pics didn’t get featured without realizing that the founders are human beings with limited time and energy, just like them.

The couple started the project around a year and a half ago, in 2019. That’s right, just before the pandemic that changed everything! Back then, they focused on sharing their own finds on New York’s sidewalks. However, when the lockdowns hit full-force in 2020, they stopped posting because they were concerned about the health and safety protocols.

#22 Red Alert!!! This Is Outside Getting Snowed On. Go Get It! Gorgeous And Great Condition. Sterling Place And Flatbush Ave

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#23 Run To These!!! Clear Chairs! St Marks And 6th Ave Park Slope!

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#24 Now There’s No Excuse To Stop Those Piano Lessons! This Little Guy Will Fit Nicely In Your Studio! Baby Piano On 3rd And 72nd!

Image credits: stoopingnyc

In the summer of 2020, however, they started up posting again. Lots of New Yorkers were moving out of the city and giving away plenty of things they couldn’t take with them or didn’t want to. “We saw full apartments on the stoop in summer and fall, what was clearly people leaving the city. We had a lot of that and now that’s normalized a bit.”

“Now we’re kind of back to the gamification of it, and honestly it makes me feel even more responsible on weekends because I know there are people who think it’s a ‘stooping day.’ I think people are craving for things to do, and it’s become a social activity and community when socializing hasn’t really been a thing,” the couple told ‘Time Out.’

#25 These Two Beauties Are Officially Off The Market!

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#26 Just Plop On Down And Get To Work! Park Ave S And 31st

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#27 Start The Carrrrrrrrr!!! This Beauty Is On Warren St Between B’way And Church St!

Image credits: stoopingnyc

There’s an issue with stooping, though. As the account gets ever more popular, the chances that you can race to the curb and grab what you like keep decreasing: you’re competing against people with similar tastes who might be closer to the object of your desire. 

The couple had some advice for those who keep striking out and arriving too late at what (they believe) should rightfully be theirs. “Knowing the garbage days in boroughs helps a lot. Sundays in Brooklyn are always amazing because Monday is a garbage day. The Upper West Side, Upper East Side, Soho, and Ridgewood are also good places to head outside of Brooklyn. So turn your alerts on to get away from the Instagram algorithm showing you a post too late, plan to go to the best areas and wait in those areas.”

#28 Listen, We Don’t Ask For Much… But We Have An Ask. Before Picking This Beautiful Piano Up, Can We Hear A Song Or Two? We’ll Play Them Here! Carlton Ave Between Myrtle And Willoughby!

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#29 Jaw Drop! Across From 389 Lincoln Pl In Prospect Heights!

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#30 Guys… Holy S**t! Fidi – Beaver And S. William!

Image credits: stoopingnyc

Which photos did you like the most? Were there any items that you’d love to have at home, dear Readers? If you live in NYC, do you partake in the ancient tradition of stooping? Did the SMEG fridge steal your heart just like it did mine? Let us know below—we can’t wait to hear what you have to tell us.

#31 Guys… Get Ready. Today Is Going To Be A Great Stooping Day! Here. We. Go. 2nd Between 57th And 58th

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#32 Now These Are Some Stoopers In The Wild

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#33 Make Looking At Yourself Fancy Af. In Front Of 234 Skillman Ave

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#34 Omg! Say What? Empire And Rogers!

Image credits: stoopingnyc

#35 Guys… We Have To Do A Caption Contest Here!!! Go! 20th And 6th In Chelsea

Image credits: stoopingnyc

40 Times Doggos Acted So Ridiculously When Riding In Cars That Their Owners Just Had To Take A Pic

Our best friends, our bestest boys and girls, can become real goofballs the moment they set their paws inside cars. After all, dogs love showing off their playfulness no matter where they are. But cars have something magical about them that brings out the inner puppy in some doggos.

To brighten up your day and give you something to smile about, Bored Panda has collected some of the funniest and most wholesome photos of dogs riding in cars and all the shenanigans that they get up to. Remember to upvote your fave pics and share photos of your car canines in the comments.

While there are lots and lots of dogs that adore being chauffeured around because car rides give them a sense of adventure and resemble going hunting, other canines have an aversion to vehicles. However, there are ways to encourage your dog to love cars. The Arizona Humane Society told Bored Panda that owners have to use positive reinforcement to get dogs to behave in a certain way. Read on for the AHS team’s insights.


Image credits: Trevor Jones



Image credits: metal_crab

Kelsey Dickerson from the Arizona Humane Society explained that dogs can be very responsive to their owners’ moods and will often respond to their tone of voice, body language, and demeanor in any situation.

“It is always recommended to use positive reinforcement when your pet is exhibiting behavior that is wanted by giving them high-value treats, verbal praise, and love!” she explained. So if you want your dog to learn to love car rides, positive reinforcement is the way to go and you should steer clear of punishing your pet.

“It is especially important to never punish your pet after it has exhibited a behavior you do not like unless you are actually catching them in the act. When you punish a pet for something it did previously, they do not have the cognitive ability to understand what you are punishing them for and it may even increase the unwanted behavior by causing your pet to have extra stress and anxiety.”



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Friends dog was hanging out my car window, looks like a ewok on a speeder.

Image credits: Winterbound

One reason that dogs might avoid car rides is that they associate the trips with negative experiences. For instance—going to the vet or getting carsick.

Meanwhile, shelter dogs might have had traumatic experiences linked to cars that you don’t know about.

Whatever the reason why your dog might be afraid of cars, the steps that you can take to encourage your dog to join you on car rides are simple enough. They just require patience, love, and understanding.


Image credits: Lifewithmalamutes


Image credits: JewsQueersAndEskimosINeverReallyCaredFor1


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If your dog is carsick, The Spruce Pets suggests that you get over-the-counter medicine to ease their motion sickness. Obviously, ask your vet for their advice first. Oh, and just to be safe, avoid going for a ride whenever your dog just ate.

However, if your dog is scared of car rides, you’ll have to put in much more effort. But the gist is simple: bit by bit, you have to help your dog associate rides with positive experiences. Treats, praise, toys, and belly rubs can help you ‘bribe’ your dog to approach the vehicle and then get inside.

The important thing is to make sure that your dog doesn’t feel trapped inside. Keep up the encouragement as you start up your engine; make sure to go for shorter trips first. And remember—you can’t rush these things, but soon enough your doggo will a happy car-riding goofball like the rest of ‘em.







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Doing some moving and forgot my dog’s first toy as a puppy was in the backseat – he’s a bit excited about finding it.

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Image credits: mitch506


Image credits: jphelpsss


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It’s good we got him a car seat so he could be more comfortable in the car

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One of my dogs farted, I looked back in time to see this

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Image credits: EllisHazzard


Arrived at my destination, then turned around to check on my dog who was sitting in the back seat.

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Image credits: ksigler

Instead Of Taking Their Unappreciative Kids Out, This Family Took Their Modem On A Day Trip To The Seaside

Parenting is difficult in the 21st century. With easy access to technology, it’s harder and harder to keep your kids away from screens and get them to be active outside and with their family members. However, there is always a solution!

Like when your kids refuse to go on a fun family trip, you get rid of their internet connection by taking your modem on the trip instead. That’s exactly what Australian parents Cassie Langan and her husband did. Not only that, they took a whole bunch of photos of the modem having the time of its life. The story was so awesome, it went viral.

Bored Panda reached out to Cassie in order to hear more about her story, how her kids reacted, and what the internet’s response was like. Cassie was happy to talk to us. Scroll down for the full interview.

While we’re on the topic of tech, after you’re done with this post, why don’t you check out our in-depth article about a mom who forbids her kids from using phone and TV screens and the positive effects this has.

More info: Facebook

Two Aussie parents took their modem on a trip to the beach when two of their three kids refused to spend some quality family time together

Image credits: Cassie Langan

Image credits: Cassie Langan

Image credits: Cassie Langan

Image credits: Cassie Langan

According to Cassie, her husband works as a truck driver. That means that he’s on the road all week and only comes back home to his family on the weekends. Meanwhile, Cassie said that her “daughter works weekends and I work in retail, so I often work weekends too.”

Image credits: Cassie Langan

Image credits: Cassie Langan

Image credits: Cassie Langan

“It’s not often that we are all home at the same time,” she noted. “So Chris and I thought we’d take the kids on a day trip to Warrnambool to go to the model train show that was on there, as hubby and the boys love trains.”

Image credits: Cassie Langan

Image credits: Cassie Langan

Image credits: Cassie Langan

However, things did not go as planned: “Our 17-year-old daughter refused to go and our 10-year-old son had a tantrum listing all the reasons why it was unfair that we were making him go.”

Image credits: Cassie Langan

Image credits: Cassie Langan

Image credits: Cassie Langan

Cassie continued: “Our 13-year-old son was the only one who reluctantly agreed to go. In the end, we said to the kids that if they weren’t going to go, we’d take the modem instead and they said ok.”

Image credits: Cassie Langan

Image credits: Cassie Langan

When they all got back home from their trip, something magical had happened. “When we got home, our 17-year-old was so bored she actually cleaned her room and spent time with her younger brother.”

Image credits: Cassie Langan

Image credits: Cassie Langan

Image credits: Cassie Langan

“When I showed my 10-year-old the photos, he said that ‘it’s not fair, we hate him and love the modem more,’ and stormed off to his room,” Cassie told us about her children’s reactions to what happened.

“The reason I made the post public is that there is so much on social media at the moment about politics, bushfires, drought, and people having a hard time in general that I thought if my post brightened one person’s day, it would be worth it,” she said. And we’ve got to say, it’s working. It certainly brightened up our day.

“I am absolutely blown away by how many times it has been shared and the number of people who it made a difference to their day. As for my kids, after the post went viral…. they finally see the funny side.”

The story took the internet by storm